Coronavirus Vaccine Information

RMS wants to make sure that you are informed and educated when the COVID-19 vaccine is available to you. With the details changing every day it can be difficult to stay on top of the latest plans and information regarding the vaccine. We have a collection of resources here to keep you informed and up to date.

Thank you for your interest in the COVID-19 vaccine. To sign-up, please call 423-625-1170. If no one answers please leave a voicemail and they will return your call as soon as possible. You may also call your established center to sign-up for the vaccine. 
See where your county is in vaccine distribution and sign up to be notified by email when it is your turn.


RMS wants you to beware of COVID-19 Vaccine scams. DO NOT pay for a vaccine or to be in line. DO NOT share personal information!
Graphic from the CDC with information about COVID-19 Scams. No one will charge you for the vaccine.
Information to Sign up for the COVID-19 Vaccine
Hotline Number
Sign Up for Vaccine

Learn More About the Coronavirus Vaccine

Do you have questions about the COVID-19 vaccine? Check out the Frequently Asked Questions that was put together by the Tennessee Department of Health.

Dr. Mathers shares why he chose to take the vaccine when offered to him as a physician on the front lines caring for COVID-19 patients.

A Message to Our Patients

 Un Mensaje a Nuestros Pacientes

RMS wants to make sure that you are aware that we are prepared for the potential community spread of COVID-19.  What is your role in combatting the Coronavirus outbreak? If you begin experiencing symptoms (fever, cough or shortness of breath), please call the office first to ensure we evaluate your symptoms and manage your care appropriately.  Also remember one of our providers is on call at all times to meet your healthcare needs.  Simply call your home clinic and follow the prompts to be connected to the on call provider.  Use the same precautions you would use to avoid influenza – frequent handwashing with soap and water. If soap and water are not available use alcohol based hand sanitizer, social distancing, avoid sick people, stay home if sick, avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth with unwashed hands, cover your mouth and nose with tissue if coughing or sneezing and disinfection of common surfaces.



RMS quiere asegurarse de que usted esté al tanto de que estamos preparados para la posible propagación en la comunidad del COVID-19. ¿Cuál es su papel en la lucha contra el brote del coronavirus? Si comienza a experimentar síntomas (tos, calentura, dificultad al respirar), llame primero a la clínica donde usted recibe atención regular para asegurarse de que evaluamos sus síntomas y gestionamos su atención adecuadamente. También recuerde que uno de nuestros proveedores de salud está de guardia en todo momento para satisfacer sus necesidades de atención médica. Simplemente llame a su clínica de atención regular y siga las indicaciones para conectarse con el proveedor de salud de guardia. Use las mismas precauciones que usted usaría para evitar la gripe: lavarse las manos frecuentemente con agua y jabón, si no hay agua y jabón disponibles, use desinfectante para manos a base de alcohol, el distanciamiento social, evite a las personas enfermas, quédese en casa si está enfermo, evite tocarse los ojos, la nariz o boca con las manos sin lavar, cúbrase la boca y la nariz con un pañuelo de papel si tose o estornuda y desinfecte las superficies comunes.


Center Guidelines
Normas de las Clínicas

Due to the coronavirus pandemic there are new guidelines for patient appointments. At this time patients are not allowed to be accompanied by guests. The exception to this rule is that minors can be accompanied by one legal guardian and those who require a caregiver, for mobility or cognitive assistance, may bring one person. In addition, every person who enters the building is required to wear a face mask. We appreciate your support of these new guidelines that we are putting in place to protect your health and the health of our staff.

Debido a la pandemia del coronavirus hay nuevas normas para las citas de los pacientes. En este momento, no se permite a los pacientes estar acompañados. La excepción a esta regla es que los menores de edad pueden ser acompañados por un tutor legal; y las personas que requieren un cuidador, para la movilidad o la asistencia cognitiva, pueden traer a una persona para acompañarlos. Además, todas las personas que entren en la clínica deben llevar una mascarilla (cubreboca). Agradecemos su apoyo a estas nuevas normas que estamos desarrollando para proteger su salud y la de nuestro personal.

Coronavirus Testing

Rural Medical Services, Inc. charges $70 for cash pay patients for COVID-19 diagnostic testing services.  Please note that this does not include the charge for the visit which is an additional fee and will likely be a requirement for testing.  However, you may be eligible for a discounted rate by applying for our Sliding Fee Discount Program.  If you qualify for our Sliding Fee Discount Program you could pay between $15 and $45 for the diagnostic testing including the visit.  Please contact one of our 5 locations if you have any questions.   

Rural Medical Services, Inc. cobra $70 por los servicios de la prueba de diagnóstico del COVID-19 a los pacientes que pagan en efectivo. Esto no incluye el cargo por la visita médica, que es un pago adicional y probablemente será requisito para hacer la prueba. Sin embargo, usted puede ser elegible para una tarifa de descuento al aplicar a nuestro Programa de Descuento de Tarifa Variable. Si califica para este programa, usted podría pagar entre $15 y $45 por la prueba de diagnóstico, incluida la visita médica. Contacte a cualquiera de nuestras 5 clínicas si tiene alguna pregunta.​

Telehealth Services

Rural Medical Services believes in providing care that meets your needs, and to keep you safe at home we now offer Telehealth! You can have an appointment without leaving the safety of your home, either through a telephone call or a video chat. To make an appointment just call your normal clinic and request a telehealth visit. For more information, call (423) 613-3300. Please note that not all types of visits can be done through telehealth, but many can.

Last Updated on January 16, 2023.